Washington, D.C.—The State Board of Education (SBOE) will hold its monthly working session on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. The State Board is taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our members, staff, and public while providing the greatest opportunity for public viewing of our work. Therefore, this meeting will be held as a video web conference. Materials for the State Board meetings can be found on our meeting website. For the most up-to-date information on the District’s COVID-19 response, please visit coronavirus.dc.gov.
Congress has appropriated almost $200 billion in COVID-related assistance for public schools. This federal emergency funding for education will assist in the continued reopening of schools and will provide for social-emotional supports and academic needs of students across the country. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton will join the State Board to offer insight on the emergency funding plan and provide her insights on the federal education landscape. Congresswoman Norton has been a strong advocate and supporter of quality and equitable public education in the District for decades.
The Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) will continue its discussion with the State Board on proposed Educator Preparation Provider (EPP) regulations. OSSE will present proposed changes to the regulations and requirements before the State Board votes at its October 20 Public Meeting.
The 2019 DC Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that lesbian, gay, and bisexual students make up 15.9 percent of high school students in the District, and transgender students make up 1.9 percent of DC high school students. Consistent research suggests that students with LGBTQ+ inclusive curricula and multicultural education in their schools are more likely to report lower frequency of bullying, lower levels of depression, more accepting peers, greater feelings of safety, and prevents the formation of bias and prejudice. The State Board will take time to review a resolution on LGBTQ+ Inclusive Education Standards.
The State Board will also begin discussions on its Fiscal Year 2023 Budget. The State Board is required to submit to the Mayor, for inclusion in her budget, a Need for Appropriations. The Need for Appropriations includes funding for salaries and programs for all three offices of the State Board.
The State Board’s committees will also provide updates on their work.
Upcoming Committee Meetings:
- Student Advisory Committee (SAC) - October 18 at 6:00 pm
- Advocacy & Outreach Committee - October 15 at 10:00 am
- Accountability & Assessment Committee - October 21 at 4:30 pm
- Board Governance Committee- October 8 at 1:00 pm
- Education Standards Committee - October 27 at 4:30 pm
- Teacher Practice Committee - October 12 at 4:00 pm
- Administrative Committee- October 13 at 10:00 am
While working sessions are open to the public, individuals and representatives of organizations are not permitted to speak or participate. Individuals and representatives of organizations may submit written testimony for consideration by the State Board at any time. Written testimony must be submitted by email ([email protected]) at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, in order to be included in the official record. Materials received after that time will be included in the next official meeting record. To review the agenda, submit testimony, and presentations, please visit the SBOE meeting documents site.
Working Session Agenda
Please note that the agenda may be altered, modified, or updated without notice.
I. Call to Order
II. Announcement of a Quorum
III. Leadership Report
IV. Executive Director’s Report
V. Eleanor Holmes Norton
VI. Education Preparation Providers (EPPs) & DC School Report Card Updates
VII. Safe Passage
VIII. LGBTQ+ Education Standards
IX. Fiscal Year 2023 Budget
X. COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
XI. Committee Reports
i. Student Advisory Committee
ii. Administrative
iii. Accountability & Assessment
iv. Board Governance
v. Education Standards
vi. Advocacy & Outreach
vii. Teacher Practice
viii. External Committees
XII. New Business & Other Discussion
XIII. Adjournment
About the SBOE
The D.C. State Board of Education is an independent agency within the Government of the District of Columbia that advises the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE), the District’s state education agency. The State Board is composed of nine elected representatives, each representing their respective wards, with one member representing DC at large, and four appointed student representatives. The State Board approves statewide education policies and sets academic standards, while OSSE oversees education within the District and manages federal education funding. More information about the State Board can be found at sboe.dc.gov.
Contact: Milayo Olufemi