Washington, DC - The DC State Board of Education (SBOE) will hold its monthly public meeting on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at 5:30 pm in the Old Council Chambers at 441 4th Street, NW. State Board members will vote on the final report of the SBOE High School Graduation Requirements Task Force. Student representatives Tallya Rhodes, H.D. Woodson High School, and Tatiana Robinson, Ballou High School, will present a comprehensive report on the work of this year’s Student Advisory Committee.
The High School Graduation Requirements Task Force held its final meeting on Wednesday, April 25. Their final recommendations include personalized learning plans, a reduction in community service hours and introducing mastery credits in math and foreign language. During the final meeting, co-chairs Laura Wilson Phelan (Ward 1) and Markus Batchelor (Ward 8) thanked members for their participation and for bringing their unique perspectives. The final version of the recommendations report is inclusive of the majority and minority opinions that emerged during the course of the task force.
“I want to personally thank both Laura and Markus for their time and effort leading this task force,” said Karen Williams, President of the State Board of Education. “With more than half of the task force members living or working in Wards 7 and 8, the voices of those who have been historically marginalized have been brought forward on these important issues.”
A draft report was presented to the State Board on Wednesday, May 2, at our working session. At this public meeting, SBOE members will vote to formally accept the report. If the report is accepted, the Board can request that OSSE transform the recommendations into regulatory language to make the thoughtful recommendations of this representative group of stakeholders a lasting part of the way we support students toward graduation and life after high school.
The Student Advisory Committee (SAC) met eight times over the course of the 2017-18 school year and selected two key topics that the SAC feels can be changed or improved in the District’s public schools. The proposals submitted by the SAC focused on college readiness and equal access to educational opportunity in the District. Working in two teams, SAC members developed a peer-to-peer mentoring program for District students and they built a resource website for students looking for guidance and insight into college and career opportunities.
At this public meeting, the SBOE will also recognize Mr. John Stone III on his retirement. Mr. Stone’s contributions to preparing District students for careers as skilled healthcare professionals have been tremendous. Mr. Stone has worked with students at the Eastern High School Health and Medical Sciences Academy (HMSA) through their Business Advisory Council (BAC) for over two decades, including the past ten years as the organization’s treasurer.
The draft agenda of the meeting is below. Please note that the agenda may be altered, modified or updated without notice.
I. Call to Order
II. Announcement of a Quorum
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Approval of the Minutes
V. Comments from the President of the DC State Board of Education
VI. Comments from the State Superintendent of Education
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Eastern Health and Medical Sciences Academy Ceremonial Resolution (VOTE)
IX. Equity Policy for the State Board (VOTE)
X. High School Graduation Requirements Task Force Recommendations & Resolution (VOTE)
XI. SY17-18 Student Advisory Committee Report
XII. Adjournment
More information about the SBOE can be found at sboe.dc.gov.