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SBOE Announces Second #ESSA Task Force Meeting

Thursday, August 31, 2017
September Working Session Also Released

Washington, DC - The DC State Board of Education (SBOE) will hold its second Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Task Force meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in Room 1114 at 441 4th Street NW. The twenty-nine members of the task force will continue the important work of devising education policy recommendations related to the District’s implementation of ESSA. More information about the work of the task force can be found at

All task force meetings are open to the public. However, individuals and representatives of organizations are not permitted to speak or participate during task force sessions. District residents may stay involved and provide input throughout this process in a variety of ways. Individuals and representatives of organizations may submit written testimony or information for consideration by the task force by emailing [email protected]. The task force meeting will be streamed live via Periscope for those community members who are unable to attend in person.

The SBOE will hold a Board member retreat on September 6 to receive training and assist in the development of members, including a review of its current strategic plan. This meeting will be closed to the public under DC Official Code § 2–575(a)(12).

Also on September 6, 2017, the SBOE will hold its monthly working session. The working session will be held at 5:00 p.m. in Room 1114 at 441 4th Street NW. State Board members will review budgetary items for FY2018 and FY2019 as well as receive updates from its High School Graduation Requirements Task Force and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Task Force.

The public is welcome to attend the working session. However, individuals and representatives of organizations are not permitted to speak or participate during the working session. Individuals and representatives of organizations may submit written testimony for consideration by the SBOE. Written testimony may also be submitted by email at [email protected].

The draft agenda for the working session is below. Please note that the agenda may be altered, modified or updated without notice.

I.    Call to Order

II.    Announcement of a Quorum

III.   SBOE Budget Items

IV.   Committee Updates

V.   Office Reports

VI.   Adjournment

The State Board of Education provides policy leadership, support, advocacy, and oversight of public education to ensure that every student is valued and learns the skills and knowledge necessary to become informed, competent, and contributing global citizens. More information about the SBOE can be found at