Washington, DC - The DC State Board of Education (SBOE) seeks motivated students in the District to serve as Student Representatives on the State Board and as members of our Student Advisory Committee (SAC) next year. Applications are now being accepted from students who are passionate about serving their local community. Students will have the opportunity to represent their peers in the decision-making process for education policy in the District. Interested students can apply online at bit.ly/SBOEStudentRep. The application is due by Thursday, May 31, 2018.
“Our students provide tremendous perspective on how the policies we make impact their educational experiences in their individual classrooms,” said Karen Williams, President of the State Board of Education. “The role of our Student Representatives and committee members is fundamental to the success of the work of the SBOE.”
This application is for prospective Student Representatives and members of the Student Advisory Committee. The State Board of Education (SBOE) will choose two Student Representatives who will serve from September 2018 - June 2019. If a student is not selected for the Student Representative position, he/she will be automatically considered for a position on the SAC.
“As a Student Representative this year, I have been able to exercise my voice in a way I couldn’t before,” said Tallya Rhodes, H.D. Woodson High School. “Board members have supported me and listened to anything I needed to say, and I’ve learned what it means to have the power to bring change from simple actions.”
Student Representatives participate in all SBOE activities. Their votes are recorded but cannot affect the outcome of any policy measure. Student Representatives are expected to attend all official SBOE meetings, which occur twice per month, on the first and third Wednesday. Student Representatives also co-chair the Student Advisory Committee.
The Student Advisory Committee serves as the voice of students in the State Board’s work. They are consulted on all issues of policy before the Board. The Student Advisory Committee meets at least once per month. Each year, the Committee sends the SBOE a report on a matter of importance to District students, providing recommended next steps.
All applicants must be a District of Columbia resident and a sophomore, junior or senior in either a traditional public or public charter high school. For more information, please visit sboe.dc.gov/studentvoices.